Relax.... Exam has finally finished.
Relax? Am I wrong? How to relax? The next exam is on 3.10.2011.
Wat?! This means I must study from now?! Ohh.... It's so annoying.
I don't know what is in my mind... or should I say I dunno what "are" in my mind?
I just can't keep my promise to forget about this.
Whenever I close my eyes, it will "float" in my brain.
I don't know what to do, so I keep running away from this problem.
Now, I think it's the time for me to face it. I can't run away forever...
But... the biggest problem for me is... Hw to face it?
My friends have been giving me a lot of good advices, but.... it depends on me.
It makes me so moody.
It changes me a lot.
I try to make myself happier to cover up my emotion.
I hope it would be over after few months...